Mind Treasure - 

Mind treasure – campus to corporate training
Indian Management education has been laying stress on skill development & efficiency, as corporates in today’s globalised world are looking at hiring finish products from B -Schools & Graduate Engineering Colleges. After meeting with industry leaders we have come to know that though these candidates have required skills to get the job, but in reality, they are not ready to meet there dream jobs. The reason, they are unaware of the corporate world, corporate communication, and corporate culture. In keeping all these in mind G.S.Consultancy have come up with Mind Treasure --- “ I AM Ready “ Programme that will hone efficient future managers. We are emphasizing more on practical skills coupled with behavioural customised modules that will enrich managerial behaviour in the fresh and energetic talents. With this thought in mind we want to make inroads into the Indian management & technical educational spheres to raise the bar to provide qualitative education the much needed of the hour. These skills are critical in the workplace and being able to demonstrate them can really help a student stand out in today’s competitive job market.
G.S.Consultency, is now Marketing partner with Bengal Chamber of commerce & Industry.
The Bengal Chamber of Commerce and Industry is organizing a Golf Event, on Friday, 4th December 2015 and Saturday, 5th December 2015, at the Tollygunge Club, Kolkata, the sixth edition of the annual, “Bengal Chamber Trophy”, a golfing extravaganza for corporates, at the Tollygunge Club, Kolkata.
With around 300 golfers expected to take part in this exciting event and similar numbers at the evening prize distribution function on 5th December 2015, this shall be one of the leading golfing event for corporates and golfers in the Eastern Region.
We therefore , inviting all Enterprenures to sponsor this event and make it a grand success. Your generous sponsorship will be highlighted through our promotional activities. We will ensure you that your organsiation’s name & logo will get a proper exposure.If you are interested in our proposals please call/ drop a mail and we will contact you and discuss in detail.